Ka Mana O Na Helu
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About Us

Ka Mana O Na Helu (KMNH) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides database administration services in the human services sector.  Led by Executive Director Alison Hinazumi, the KMNH team delivers a range of high-quality services to Continuums of Care, Government Agencies, Public and Private Companies, and Local Foundations working in the homeless and human services sectors.  Specialized services provided by KMNH include: 1) Database Administration, 2) Human Services Corporate Training, 3) Custom Report Development, 4) Program Evaluation, 5) Grant Writing, and 6) Strategic Fiscal Consulting.


Alison Hinazumi,  M.B.A., Executive Director.  Alison has more than 10 years of experience working with local nonprofit organizations with an emphasis on corporate level training and event production.  Alison is currently responsible for managing technical aspects of the Coordinated Entry System (CES) for the Neighbor Islands as well as developing and integrating Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) training curriculum and technical resources on a statewide basis.

Carlos Peraro, B.S., Director of Operations/HMIS Administrator.  Carlos has over 15 years of experience working in Hawaii's homeless and human services sectors.  Over the last 10 years, he has provided an array of analytical and evaluative services to the State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, and numerous public and private organizations statewide.  Current responsibilities include report design and development, expanding CES automation, grant writing, data analysis, program evaluation, and the provision of technical support to end users and clients.

Heidi Sewell, B.S., Support Specialist II.  Heidi has more than 25 years of experience working in the non-profit and social services sectors.  She currently provides technical guidance to providers that utilize the HMIS, as well as support to address program specific issues.  Heidi is responsible for providing detailed monthly and quarterly reports to the executive team and key funders.  She also provides ongoing ad-hoc reports to homeless service providers, focused on improving program outcomes.

Tien Lum, B.S., Software Developer.  Tien is the owner of Hybrid International, LLC, a software company that provides database solutions in the human services sector.  Tien has 30 years of experience in developing information systems for public and private companies.  Tien was the lead architect and developer for Hawaii’s first HMIS in 2002.  Tien currently provides consulting and programming services for the HMIS in the form of customized reports, forms, dashboards and business intelligence processes.  Tien was integral in developing the automated CES currently being utilized by the Neighbor Islands CoC, Bridging the Gap.

Ka Mana O Na Helu

P.O. Box 2022
Pearl City, HI   96782

Phone: (808) 291-2552

All content Copyright 2019
All rights reserved
Registered 501 (c)(3)